Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech,conduct,
love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.
1 Timothy 4:12
Our Children's Ministry is for 4 year old through 5th grade.
Our children’s program goal is to establish a strong faith foundation, and equip every child with the knowledge and desire to follow Christ.
Follow us on social media.

Children's Ministry Weekly Activities
Sunday Mornings
Bible Fellowship
9:15 am
Children's Church
10:30 am (during Worship Service)
in Fellowship Hall
(sign-in at the bottom of the stairs from the foyer )
9:15 am
Children's Church
10:30 am (during Worship Service)
in Fellowship Hall
(sign-in at the bottom of the stairs from the foyer )
Wednesday Nights
6:30 pm
in Children's Ministry Room
6:30 pm
in Children's Ministry Room