Thank you for taking the time to look at our website. Here you’ll find information on upcoming events and helpful resources to grow you up in your Christian walk. To really know the fellowship of excitement, though, is to come and visit in person. We would like to personally invite you to be our honored guest this weekend at one of our morning services. There's no need to dress up. Bring the family, Bring a friend. We love you right where you are, just like you are. We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to your Mount Carmel Family.
Open Positions
Join Our Team !
Mount Carmel Baptist Church is seeking a
part-time Minster of Music
part-time Minster of Music
Join us live on
Sunday Mornings
Wednesday Evening
at 10:30am est
at 7:00 pm est
Service Times
Sunday Mornings
Bible Fellowship
9:15 am EST
Worship Service
10:30 am EST
Children's Church
10:30 am EST (during Worship Service)
9:15 am EST
Worship Service
10:30 am EST
Children's Church
10:30 am EST (during Worship Service)
Worship Service
7:00 pm EST
Youth Ministry
6:30 pm EST (Youth Room)
Children's Ministry
6:30 pm EST (Children's Ministry Room)
7:00 pm EST
Youth Ministry
6:30 pm EST (Youth Room)
Children's Ministry
6:30 pm EST (Children's Ministry Room)